Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Wiki
This is a transcribed copy of The Beyonder (episode).
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based on the break-in patterns,

the thief should be busting
outta that building

in three, two...


Eh, close enough!

MAN: Shopaholic Linh Pham
was a fanatic for fancy heels.

Just one problem:
she's broke y'all.

Unable to afford her habit,

she engineered some
designer-grade extendible heels

and turned to a life
of thievery as Stiletto!

Yo! My headphones are pickin' up
some funky interference...

STILETTO: Betcha'd have better
reception up here, Moon Girl!

MAN: While Devil swipes at Stiletto's,
well, stiletto,

Moon Girl fires off
her signature boxing gloves!

What the--?!

The voice is literally describing
everything happening right now!

MAN: You really wanna be playin'
with your gadgets right now?

- Are... are you talking to me?
- MAN: No.

I'm talking to the other
distracted superhero

- letting a villain get away!
- Huh?!

Thanks for the heel up, Moon Girl!



Uh, hello? Weird stalker voice?!

It's gone!

(concerned yip)

Okay! You might have a point.

Let's just go home.

I gotta rest up for the big day tomorrow!


No, no, no, no, no.
Not National Hot Dog Day.

Even better!

The official launch
of this year's science fair!

And this year, we have a special prize
for our first place winner.

Can I get a drumroll?!

This year's grand prize will be...

Uh, Eduardo?


Hey! I was just gettin' into it!

As I was saying,
this year's grand prize will be...

a personal tour of the most

building here in Manhattan,
the Wakandan Outreach Center!


Are you serious!?

As usual, the competition
will be a 48-hour challenge.

This year, we're doing it
in randomly assigned teams.

So, Brooklyn, you're with Geri.

Anand, you're with Robbie.

And Lunella, you're with...


- No!
- Yeah! Look out y'all!

This 'bout to be the best combo
since bread and butta, baby!


(upbeat music playing)

(upbeat music playing)

You must've done something pretty bad

in a past life
to get paired with Ed-weirdo.

And of all years!

We're talking about the Wakandan.

Some of the most brilliant
Black minds on the planet!

Ugh! This day couldn't get any worse.


What is all of this?!


Dad, um, it's just
a little underground tech!

Nothing weird!



Okay, I admit that was weird
but please don't get upset!

Oh, I'm more than upset...

Baby girl, I am disappointed!

I'm tellin' everybody!

(dark echoey laughter)

(suspenseful music playing)


You should see the look
on your face right now!

Hold on.


Wha-- who on Earth are you?!

Oh, I'm not from Earth at all!

I am...

The Beyonder!

Whoa, has that always been there?

Wait, that voice!

You're the one
who was in my ear last night?!

Some funky shape-shifting space wizard
with a bad stage name?!


Yes. Wizard?


I've got more goin' on than that.

Lemme clue you in with a little--
what do you humans call it?


(upbeat music playing)

♪ I'm from way, way
beyond time and space ♪

♪ It's my job to study planets
in their meaning ♪

♪ Then one day I was tasked ♪

♪ Trust I did not ask ♪

♪ To go to earth
and learn about human beings ♪

♪ I need the smartest on the planet ♪

♪ To help me understand it ♪

♪ And that's why I've come to you ♪

♪ Now teach me all about humans ♪

♪ Everything about humans ♪

♪ Congrats on your promotion ♪

♪ Let's get thing in motion ♪

♪ There's so much for me to understand ♪

♪ You're welcome, Lunella ♪

♪ Now it's time to help this fella ♪

♪ Beside the fate of... ♪

(music powers down)

I do not have time for this.


How dare you interrupt
someone as powerful as me?!

No shade, but Lunella herself
ripped a hole in space and time.

So it takes a lot to impress us, pal.


Selena Gomez just followed me!

Do whatever this
magical creature says, Lunella.

Now, let's get started!

Pump your brakes, pal!
I got a science fair to win.

But I need your help to decide--

Where the exit is?

It's right over there.

Bye, Beyonder!

All right, fine.

But I'm taking these with me.


Selena, come back!

(mellow music playing)

(mellow music playing)

(bell ringing)


I stayed up all night and came up

with the award-winning idea
for the fair!

For real?

'Cause I got an awesome idea
for the science fair thing too!

Uh, you have an idea?

Yeah! Check it.

yesterday on the train,
I saw this dude making

all kinds of dope music with random trash
like buckets and cans,

so I'm thinkin' for the fair,

we could build a machine thingy
that hits another thingy

but ours smacks into other stuff
and goes brap-pap-pap!

- Whaddaya think?
- Sounds, uh--

sounds brilliant!

In fact, I happened to come up
with basically the same thing!

But instead of hitting a thingy,
it absorbs CO2

and instead of brap-pap,
it poofy-oofs oxygen.


Hold up, that doesn't really sound
like my--

Great work, Eduardo!

Oh, it's gonna be epic!

(upbeat music playing)

Well, I just convinced Ed-weirdo
to do my brilliant science fair idea.

I call it,

The Big "E" Vent!

A household ventilation system
that sucks in air, removes CO2,

and combines it with hydrogen
to create solid reusable carbon!


I can smell the Wakanda swag bag already!


(whispers) It's me!

The Beyonder!

- Miss me?
- Hey, yo. Beyonder!

I thought I told you to be-gone-der!

No, you told me
you were busy with school,

so I figured I'd just come here
to learn human stuff.

Why do you humans eat all this junk?

Y'know, I could make a single pellet

with all the nutrients your body needs!

That actually sounds marketable.

And nasty!

Eating is supposed to be enjoyable.


That wasn't enjoyable at all!

One, you better bippity boppity boop me
a new sandwich, okay?

And two, you're supposed
to take small human bites.

Break it down into little pieces.

Which is how I'll make sure
Eduardo doesn't mess up the project!

Gotta go!


(upbeat music playing)


This is a library!

Beyonder?! Is that you?!

C'mon and ditch this pointless
science fair thing

and focus on something more important: me.

I need to learn more about you Earthlings!

EDUARDO: Spaghetti Lafayette-y!

I got some tight ideas
on how build our project!

Oh, no need!

I took the liberty
of breaking down the project

into super easy to assemble pieces
with easy to follow instructions!

(phone chimes)

Oh. Really?!

Now of all times?!

Uh, go ahead.

Start assembling the base!

MOON GIRL: Moon Girl magic!

Hmm, this should be informative!

Look, just stay out of our way, okay?

Let's do this, D! Sonic Boom Blast!



(upbeat music playing)


Wow! The human reaction to peril
is so intriguing!

(upbeat music playing)



(brakes screeches)

(upbeat music playing)

(bomb ticking)


Beyonder! You are getting
beyond my last nerve!


Hey. You wanna fight
a giant hot dog monster?


- Sorry--
- Yo, Lunella Acapella!

I built the base like you said,
and then I figured,

we could work my killer idea
into the project too!

Check it out!

(phone chimes)


My mom needs me,

but we can finish this baby
tomorrow before the fair!

Can't wait!

Oh, he had one job!

One! To just follow the manual!

I don't get it! What is the
human obsession with re-makes?!

This animated version is way better!


The science fair is to-mor-row!

I tried to be a team player.

And look what happened!

What is the point of working
with other people

if they don't bring
anything to the table!?

- Useless!
- (clatters)

You're right, humans are useless.

Especially Eduardo!

Just useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!

Well, that settles it then.

I'm gonna erase humanity.

Wait? You what?!

That's why I wanted to learn
about humans in the first place.

To figure out whether
they're worthy of existence.

You cut me off before
I could get to that part of the song.

♪ So thanks so much, Lunella ♪

♪ For convincing this fella ♪

♪ To get rid of all humans... ♪

- (music powers down)
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

But I was just venting!

You can't erase everyone.

No, no, not everyone.

I'm sparing you, obviously.
Your intellect is invaluable!

- (questioning yip)
- Oh, yes,

I'm sparing you too.

Let's get this over with
so we can grab some dinner.

I'm thinkin' tacos.

No! No, no, no. Stop! Please!

Just gimme a chance to change your mind!

Okay, tell you what.

A species is only as good
as its weakest link.

And according to you,
Eduardo is the most

useless human of them all.

So, if you can prove his value
by winning the science fair with him,

then I'll spare humanity.

You're gonna hang the fate of humanity
on a science fair trophy?!

When you put it like that, yup.

All of humanity?

You gotta win this competition, Lu!

The only way to win
is if I execute my idea

without Eduardo around to mess it up!

How in the world
am I gonna work on it all alone

without The Beyonder finding out?!

- Hey, what's poppin?
- (screams)

It's crazy,
we were just talking about you.

Of course you were. I'm fascinating.

And, uh, Casey was saying how much

she wanted to show you
cool human stuff!

- Right, Case?
- Yeah!

I mean, lots of cool stuff.

Like pedicures or--

Well, if it serves to distract you
from your impending doom,


Come with me!

EDUARDO: Yo, Lafayette!

I'm comin' to your spot after school
to finish our... masterpiece.

Um, you know, I was looking
at the project last night

and I realized we need a...

Triple-Forged Gorilla wrench!

A Triple-Forged Gorilla wrench?

I've never heard of it.

Yeah. That's 'cause they're super rare

but it's super important for our project!

It's the only thing that'll make
the clinky-inky go ka-pow-ee!

Oh, word! That is important!

Which is why I'm entrusting you

with the mission of finding one for us.

Have no fear!

'Cause Super Eduardo is here
except he's about to leave

'cause his gonna go and find it!

Oh, okay, yeah.

Phew! That should keep him busy!

Now, let's juice this project up!

(upbeat music playing)

- (whirring)
- (clanks)

- (crackles)
- (whirring)


EDUARDO: Da-da-da!
Ya boy came through!

I had to search a buncha different stores!

- I can't believe it's real!
- (gorilla hooting)

Me neither.

So, where's our project!?
I'm ready to rock this thing!

Okay. Check. It. Out!

(laughs) Yo, you got jokes!

For real though, where's our project?

No, this is our project!

The CO2 absorber!

But where's the stuff I did?

Well, I had to make a few tweaks.

You didn't even need this thing, did you?

You just wanted to keep me away
so you could toss out my idea

and do the whole thing alone.

Look, I needed to make a project
that could actually win.

But this was supposed to be
my project too!

Winning this fair is really important,

more important than you could imagine.

Just write your name on our project.

(dramatic music playing)

You mean your project.

I know I kid around and stuff,

but this wasn't some joke to me, Lunella.

I really wanted to make something dope,

something to show everyone
that I'm smart and have ideas too.

That's why I was so juiced
when we got paired

'cause out of everyone in our class,
I thought...

you'd take my ideas seriously.

But I guess I was wrong.

Eduardo, wait.

(techno music playing)

Big B! My Dawg! Lookin' good!

Where's Eduardo?

Oh! Um, he's on the way!

Running a bit behind.
Funny one, that kid.

Speaking of funny.
You're gonna love this one, huh!

It's one of those things
you humans call riddles.

What's better than being all-powerful?

(big voice) Being all-knowing.

(normal voice) See, I know you did
that project by yourself.

I knew your plan as soon
as you said it to Casey.

I only went along with the mani-pedi
'cause it sounded relaxing.

Which it was.

Anyways you can't use this for the fair.


See ya in a few hours, genius!

(upbeat music playing)

(upbeat music playing)

CASEY: Lu! Check the toes!

Um, I'm sure the judges
will appreciate the nosh,

but where's your project?

That's it, busted and brined by Beyonder.

Well, use that amazing brain
to make something else!

There's no time.

Besides, it doesn't even matter.

Eduardo isn't here.

I was such a jerk to him, Case.

Now, I'm gonna lose this fair
and the world\ is gonna be over--

EDUARDO: Sheesh,
you nerds really do take

this science stuff seriously.

Eduardo! You came?

Not for you. I got my own project.

Ooh, awkward.

So, where's your project anyway?

Oh, I, uh-- I messed it up
on the way here.

But I really messed up treating you
the way that I did, Eduardo.

You were right.

This was supposed to be your project too

and you deserved to be taken seriously.

I'm really sorry.

Yeah, well, looks like
we're both getting an "F"

cause my idea didn't turn out
the way I wanted to either.

What is that?

The Funk Buster X.

Well, it's supposed to be.

I couldn't figure out
how to get the parts to work

the way I imagined but I just think
it's so cool how stuff people call trash

can end up making dope sounds.

Well that's the marvel of density,

matter, and sound waves, my friend.

Wait! Eduardo you're a genius!

Psht! I know that! About what tho?

Your idea and the compelling science
behind it!

It's perfect for the fair!

With some extra supplies
and an engineer's touch,

I'm pretty sure we can make it
actually work!

- For real?
- Yeah!

- I just hope it's not too late--
- Too late? Psht!

I am The King of last-minute projects.

And I'm still in it to win it
as long as you are.

All right, Lafayette,
you bring the science,

and I'll bring the swag.

(electronic pop music playing)

Sometimes we overlook amazing things
that are right in front of us.

We underestimate them.

This machine uses
everyday objects to explore

how sound waves move
through a multitude of mediums.

EDUARDO: (makes noise)
Let the beat drop.

(techno beat music playing)

Oh, no!

For our project, we turned ourselves

into magnets that are strong enough
to levitate!

Sorry to interrupt but it's time.

(techno music playing)

THE BEYONDER: Whoohee. (laughs)

Gotta give myself a hand.

Beyonder! Stop!

Nah, I don't think so.

Oh, ho, ho, this one's a fighter!

Thank you.

Thank you so much.


Why are you fighting me?

You proved humans are useless!

No, I didn't!

I proved that people are brilliant
in their own different ways!

I wouldn't even have a project
if it weren't for Eduardo!



A deal is a deal.

(static pulsating)

No! Stop!

(pulsating continues)


What have I done?



THE BEYONDER: (laughs)

Oh, man, I had you goin'!

You look so scared! (laughs)

What's going on?

I'm not really gonna erase humanity, Lunella.

I was just having some fun!

I actually changed my mind
when I saw your cool project.

Sure, you clearly weren't
gonna win the contest,

but between your smarts
and Eduardo's creativity,

you two made something
surprisingly beautiful.

You showed me that everybody is valuable.

Then what was that whole terrifying song
and dance for?

Girl, you know
I love a good musical number!

I gotta work that Brrap-pap-pap machine
into my next song

- when I come back.
- What do you mean come back?

You humans are way more complicated
than I thought.

There's still so much more to learn!

So I'll be watching you, Moon Girl.


That is one strange space wizard, D...

THE BEYONDER: Uh, still watching!

And for a project so powerful,
it lifted the room

like Mariah Carey's voice lifts my soul,

first place goes to...

the magnet team!

Wa-kan-da! Wa-kan-da!

I've never gotten
honorable mention before...

- Me neither!
- (chuckles)

Well, your idea was brilliant.

Thanks. Means a lot coming
from you, Lafayette.

And since you put your name
on my project,

that makes me the smartest kid in school!

No, that's not how that works--

(brappappap drumming noises)


♪ So thanks so much, Lunella ♪

♪ For convincing this fella ♪

♪ To get rid of all humans ♪

♪ Erase all of the humans ♪

♪ Get rid of all the humans ♪

♪ Goodbye ♪

♪ Humans ♪

SINGERS: ♪ Beyonder ♪

♪ Beyonder ♪

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"Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow"
"The Beyonder" Next:
"Goodnight, Moon Girl"